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What is Hip Hop?

Hiphop (consciousness) – our unique spirit, our unique collective consciousness, the creative force behind Hip Hop’s elements. The name of our lifestyle.

Hip Hop (culture) – the performances and description of the elements (outlined below)

hip-hop (product) – rap music product and those things associated with it.

Hiphop Kulture is the name of our community of consciousness

The Gospel of Hip Hop ; 2nd Overstanding - The Refinitions
The Hip Hop Elements, as expressed by the Temple of Hiphop are the study and application of these art forms:

Basic Elements
Breakin - street dance forms
Emceein -  rhythmic talk, poetry and divine          speech
Graffiti – street calligraphy, art and handwriting
Deejayin – rap music production and radio          broadcasting
Beat Boxin – body music and body language

Street (Inner-city) Elements
Street Fashion – Urban trends and styles
Street Language – Urban communication, slang and dialect
Street Knowledge – Ancestral wisdom,            common sense and codes to survive inner-city life
Street Entrepreneurialism – Fair trade and        business management

The Gospel of Hip Hop ; 2nd Overstanding - The Refinitions
The Dark Age 
(Age of Revolution) 1961 – 1971
Hip Hop is born out of a reaction to oppression. Power Lesson – Originality is a cultural status symbol

The Light Age 
(Age of Light) 1971-1981
Hip Hop becomes known as an urban movement. Power LessonSight is the awareness to utilize your environment.

The Golden Age
(Age of Awareness) 1981-1991
Hiphoppas become self aware. Some choose cultural expression while some choose corporate expression. Power Lesson – The loss of sight begins while Hip Hop is at the apex of understanding.

The Platinum Age
(Age of Power – Ice Age) 1991 – 2001
The Hip Hop community benefits from the foundations laid by previous ages. True Hip Hop goes underground and Rap music becomes mainstream. Power Lesson – Mainstream accessibility rewards the absence of originality.

The Information Age
(Age of Culture) 2001 – 2011
Hip Hop is common knowledge to the nation and the world while it loses some mainstream appeal and success. At this time the First Instrument of the Gospel of Hip Hop is created to bring a renewed sense of worth to the Hip Hop community. Power Lesson – What goes around comes back…

The Gospel of Hip Hop ; 2nd Overstanding - The Refinitions
Undaground – term used to describe people, places, things and expressions that refuse to unnecessarily compromise the principles and traditions of its existence to gain mainstream acceptance.

Rap Fan – 0ne who enjoys or respects rap music but does not distinguish it from the culture of Hip Hop.

Hiphoppa – An active participant of the Hip Hop culture. A citizen of the Hip Hop nation.

Temple Member – A Hiphoppa that is a registered member of the Temple of Hip Hop and has begun a serious study into the Overstandings of the Gospel of Hip Hop.

True Hiphoppa – Is a Temple Member who is studied in the Overstandings of the Gospel of Hip Hop

Templist – A True Hiphoppa that is seriously committed and faithfully dedicated to the development of the Temple of Hiphop.

Attuned Hiphoppa – Is a Templist who has overcome the values of the world and regulated the passions of the physical body.

Hiphop Kultural Specialist – An Attuned Hiphoppa that is certified by the Temple of Hip Hop to teach Hip Hop publicly.

Minista – A Minista is a server, Hiphop Kultural Specialist that has achieved the H-LAW. Ministas teach Universal Law which includes life-coaching and spiritual advice relevant to the Hip Hop community

Teacha – A Teacha is a highly skilled Hip Hop Minista who has declared victory  over the streets.

The Gospel of Hip Hop ; 2nd Overstanding - The Refinitions
Hip Hop Appreciation Week

A time set aside every third week in May to acknowledge and appreciate the existence of Hip Hop Kulture.

Temple of Hip Hop Members should:

Inside the Temple
1.Refocus through collective review of the
          past year.
2.Make an update of history to add events
          and products to the HH archives.
3.Make a renewal of core principles and                   elements.

Outside the Temple
1.Artists can give sound advice on what                    they’ve learned about life and living Hip                  Hop in the past year.
2.Schools are encouraged to discuss Hip                 Hop academically and critically.
3.Radio DJs should play more conscious                  rap music on the air.

The Seven Encouragements

During Hip Hop Appreciation Week, the Hip Hop community is encouraged to:

1.Give the next person the right of way.                    Allow people to pass you. Do not block                 a person’s forward movement.
2.Donate your skill or profession to                          someone who cannot afford it.
3.At the supermarket give your change to                 the person behind you in line.
4.Be quick to compliment and slow to                      criticize.
5.Be ready to forgive and move on.
6.Give 10% of your weekly pay to your                     child’s teacher.
7.Ease a neighbor’s pressure by donating                your time toward the ease of some duty                 they must undertake.

Why we should observe HHAW as a national holiday for the Hip Hop community.

1.It will represent a unity of expression for                the HH community, something we can                  do together.
2.Assert our authority to create and define                ourselves and what we value.
3.Connect us with our humanity by
          practicing the encouragements.
4.Restore interpersonal dignity and                          respect internally and externally..
5.Serve as a positive, mature gesture                       toward non-HH individuals
6.Establish an aura of positive energy                      around the HHC for future generations.

based on The Gospel of Hip Hop